At Athens Concert Hall, for the 12th year, ESO 2024 conference took place. On May 22nd, ESO opened its doors and attracted the attention of architecture and interior design people.

ELVIAL as bronze sponsor supports the event for the third consecutive year, as it always focuses on new architectural trends, creativity and innovative practices. Climate change, the emerging construction needs for a healthier planet and the architectural trends that lead us "Back to the Earth", were the central topics of discussion of the conference, of the leading speakers of the architectural development of our country and not only.

For another year the speakers, several of them coming from foreign countries, managed to arouse the interest of the attendees with their speeches and gave a different perspective and new ideas to the way architecture is approached nowadays. It is worth noting that the Triantis Hall of the Athens Music Hall was full for another year.

ESO 24

ELVIAL was there all along that leading institution of design and architecture. At its stand ELVIAL presented products that signal the future and promote modern architectural aesthetics. The public's and architects' interest in ELVIAL's aluminium systems was impressive, showing once again how important as structural element they are in all constructions.